The complexity of the topics related to Festival del Futuro - the event scheduled from 18 to 20 November in Verona and in streaming - and the wealth of content offered by its participants have prompted the organizers to create a special episode of Segnali di Futuro to talk about innovation and startups. Kaleidoscope of Innovation is the title of the new episode available from 15 July in dedicated section.
The episode does not want to be a compendium of everything related to startups, but to analyze problems and opportunities of the Italian ecosystem by stimulating reflection and debate. As always, numerous interventions by experts such as Paolo Cellini VP Product Innovation of Octo Telematics, Massimo Ciaglia, CEO of Grownnectia and Partner of Hdemy Group, Mauro Except, President of Studio Torta, Marco Hannappel, Vice President of Confindustria Anitec-Assinform and President and CEO of Philip Morris Italia, e Daniele Meini, Associate Partner New Ventures and PwC Italia,
The sixth episode closes the 2021 review of Segnali di Futuro. The appointment is for the new edition of the Festival del Futuro, scheduled in Verona and streaming on the digital platforms of the festival from 18 to 20 November. Organized by Eccellenze d'impresa (a partnership between Gea-Management Consultants, Harvard Business Review Italia and Arca Fondi SGR) e Gruppo Editoriale Athesis, the Festival of the Future was born in 2019, with the partnership of VeronaFiere, and in 2020 it has become a great digital event that has totaled over 870 thousand views counting almost 300 thousand unique visitors and a social reach that has almost reached 1 million profiles achieved.