From festival to online platform, from physical meeting moment to community that lives all year round. The Festival del Futuro returns, in 2020, with a hybrid formula: physical and digital. Editorial and social programming made up of articles, videos and podcasts focused on technology and innovation will build over the months the common thread of a community, Experience The Future, which will find online value-added services built exclusively for its components.
The best will be part of this community startups Italian and European, i investment funds and business angel more dynamic and courageous, the pmi which have made Open Innovation an important growth lever, i research centers public and private players of technology transfer. The same ones who will then meet in Verona from 19 to 21 November 2020 for the new edition of the Festival del Futuro where they will be able to preview the 2021 macrotrends and touch the emerging technologies with their own hands.
A three-dimensional future
The Festival program will address, together with its partners, three macro-dimensions of the future: the planetary dimension; the socio-economic dimension; the economic, financial and business dimension. «To the program - explains Enrico Sassoon, director of Harward Business Review Italy, promoter of the Festival together with Excellence in Business and Athesis - important partners will contribute: Italian Institute of Technology, Bocconi University, University of Verona, Polytechnic of Milan, Oxford Economics, Confindustria, Asvis, European Commission, EY, Science Festival, Censis, Inps. Together with their contribution and speakers from all over the globe, over the course of three days we will address the main issues related to the post-coronavirus economy and the macrotrends that are identified each year by HBR ».
The scientific program will be joined by the matching program dedicated to investors, startups, SMEs and research centers. «Our mission - explains Luigi Consiglio, founder of the network of Business Excellence - is that of to bring out and select the best Italian innovation putting it in connection with the big European investors. There is a knowledge gap of Italian innovation in the global context that must be absolutely closed. The presence of Mountain Partner and its founder Cornelius Börsch at the Festival del Futuro table is only the first step of a path that we are sure will be long and fruitful: on the one hand we will help foreign investors to discover the best of research and technology produced by Italian startups and research centers, from above we will facilitate the growth of SMEs and startups by promoting access to the capital and skills they need ».
It is no coincidence that this initiative born between Verona, Vicenza and Brescia and right at the entrance of the Brenner corridor, now aims to make the international leap. «A macro-region straddling Lombardy and the Northeast made up of dynamic and internationalized companies that now asks us to overcome this difficult moment by betting on growth and future - explains Matteo Montan, managing director of Athesis, media company of the territory that counts among its newspapers the historical newspapers The Arena of Verona, Il Giornale of Vicenza and Bresciaoggi -. It is a thrust that expresses all the dynamism of a geographical and cultural area that looks more and more like one widespread intelligent factory of which Athesis is not only a storyteller but a protagonist, thanks to great events such as the Festival del Futuro which in its second edition raises the challenge by transforming itself into a permanent platform that aims to represent and encourage Italian innovation ».