Le conseguenze economiche della guerra

The economic consequences of the war

by Rony Hamaui Russia's invasion of Ukraine is certainly not a world war. Instead, it is a war with undoubted planetary economic and geopolitical consequences, which no other conflict in the last 75 years has provoked. From the Second War ...
Computer quantistici: ci vorrà più tempo del previsto

Quantum Computers: It will take longer than expected

For many, certainly the majority, quantum computers remain a mystery. Which is not surprising because it is quantum physics itself that is hardly digestible to most. Einstein himself considered it to be of an almost indecipherable theoretical complexity. But computers ...
È l’hybrid work il futuro del lavoro

Hybrid work is the future of work

Hybrid work, or hybrid work. A variable mix of work in person and work remotely. And it is already here, although we will certainly see further developments in the coming months and years. Two years of pandemic and recourse to what, for lack of better terms, has been ...