Orizzonti della scienza: dalle conquiste recenti ai prossimi 20 anni

Horizons of science: from recent conquests to the next 20 years

The first edition of the Festival del Futuro closes with exceptional guests: "Horizons of science: the most recent achievements and those of the next 20 years" is the title of the session of 17 November 2019 which, in collaboration with the Festival of Science, sees comparison Francesco Profumo, President of the Bruno Kessler Foundation and President of the Compagnia di San Paolo (chairman), Federico Faggin, physicist and entrepreneur, Giuseppe Basso, Director of the Italian Institute for Genomic Medicine, and Barbara Caputo, Full Professor of the Department of Automation and Computer Science of the Polytechnic of turin.
La sfida planetaria: clima, ambiente, energia, migrazioni, risorse

The planetary challenge: climate, environment, energy, migration, resources

Climate change is the great challenge of the 21st century. In the second session of November 16, 2019, at the Festival of the Future, the discussion on "The planetary challenge: climate, environment, energy, migration, resources" is staged, in collaboration with ASviS. Enrico Sassoon, director of Harvard Business Review Italia (chairman), Enrico Giovannini, spokesman for ASviS - Italian Association for Sustainable Development, Mariasole Bianco, Vice Chair IUCN's WCPA, Massimo Gaudina, Head of the European Commission Representation in Milan, Stefano Sordelli, discuss it. Future Mobility Manager, Volkswagen Group Italy.