
The Festival del Futuro it will deal thoroughly with the ecological transition. From 18 to 20 November, in Verona and in streaming, various panels will address key issues such as mobility, clean energy and the sustainability in lifestyles (here to read the program). In view of the appointment we are talking about some of the startups and SMEs that are part of our Experience the Future community. FleetMatica, for example, is a company founded in 2015, based in Milan, which has developed the platform and technology capable of informing client companies about the electrification potential (economic and CO2 savings) of their company fleet. «We are a B2B reality - he explained to us Enzo Venneri, COO - and to date we have analyzed the mobility of about 10 thousand vehicles ».

FleetMatica: what it does

There electric mobility is one of the trends in which car manufacturers around the world are investing and the transition to greener transport models sees in ecars a sector full of opportunities. Net of the still unresolved issue on batteries (we told you about it in this article), the contribution in terms of sustainability is a fact. «What we do is give the companies that come to us all the necessary information on how many vehicles in their fleet can be replaced with electric vehicles. We can install on each a tracking device that allows us to acquire the data. Once elaborated, we obtain a result on substitutability, also considering the economic savings and CO2 savings not emitted ».

When the client company gets the output it can decide whether or not to convert to electricity. FleetMatica performs a phase of analysis to allow a weighted decision on a fundamental and in any case onerous step for businesses that choose to become more sustainable. "Our business model is based on this, but we are working on the next phase: our algorithms will be placed in a virtual black box and therefore available for third party services". According to the COO of FleetMatica the electric trend is destined to grow, hand in hand with development of smart cities. «The mobility of the future will push the vehicle to present itself as a object within the city ".

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