Next Generation EU: the six missions in Italy's PNRR

8-04-2021 | News

Less than a month to go April 30, or on the day on which the Commission European the delivery of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is expected from each of the Member States. The Next Generation EU is about to go live with the sending of the first tranches of the 750 billion euros put in place to revive the economy of the old continent, overwhelmed by the pandemic and the consequent lockdowns. Italy will be one of the main beneficiaries of this fund: the government of Rome is entitled to 191.5 billion euros. Gods 750 billion a total of 390 are non-repayable and 360 loans that can be repaid until 2058. As the Prime Minister explained, Mario Dragons, strategic investments will have to enhance key items to allow Italy to react to recession and give life to a real one transition towards a new model of development, work and economy. At the moment there are no official figures and, above all, it is not known how the resources destined for Italy will be divided. On the website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance the latest official document presents a total sum of over 200 billion.

The three pillars of the Italian Next Generation EU

There are three main pillars around which the Next Generation EU for Italy: transition ecological, digitization and innovation, inclusion social. Voices that, in turn, will be declined in various aspects concerning, for example, sustainability - where Italy already shows excellence at European level - and sustainable mobility with new infrastructures. Then there is the question of digital divides to be addressed: as we have seen in a year of distance learning the inequalities they are accentuated - second Istat one in three families, in 2020, did not have access to the internet and did not have a PC -; and again with regard to inequalities, the Next Generation EU should make it possible to address the question southern going to favor the development of the South.

The six missions

If it is true that compared to January the funds allocated to Italy have decreased (it was 210 billion) the opportunity, however, remains unrepeatable and the first funds should arrive by the end of the summer. But by what criterion these will be divided investments? The PNRR approach has not changed following the government crisis and the document will continue to be split into six thematic areas, the so-called missions: digitization, ecological transition, sustainable infrastructure, education and research, inclusion and cohesion, and health. The more than 190 billion euros should be divided with this logic.

The biggest slice was awarded to transition ecological (69 billion), followed by digitization is modernization of the public administration (46 billion), transport (32 billion), instruction is Research (28 billion), inclusion is cohesion (28 billion) and the health (19 billion). The total sum proposed exceeds 191.5 billion destined for Italy, but the technicians explained that "it is likely that the impact in terms of net debt of the resources used in this area will be reduced". Like it is read finally in this document of the Chamber of Deputies, the impact of the Next Generation EU on the Italian economy. "The Government estimates a positive effect on GDP with an almost linear growing trend over time, starting from about 0.5 percentage points in the year 2021 and up to about 3 percentage points in 2026 (the year in which all the resources of the Plan will have to have been spent), for an overall effect over the period of over 10 percentage points of GDP ».

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